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– Nelson Mandela

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Module 9 - Research

Module 9 - Research

Q In this course, you will study topics such as employment, inflation, recession, GDP, economic growth, national income/output, and international trade. As part of this course, you will demonstrate the application of macroeconomic theory (as presented in your textbook) to a current topic, issue, or event and write a formal paper. Your paper will show how the theory you've learned from the course and presented in your textbook applies to or explains a current situation. The paper provides you with an opportunity to realize, reflect, and explain the economics that exists all around us. Your paper must include a graph used as an explanatory tool of the economic principles presented. You will work on this assignment throughout the course. Deliverables are due as follows: For your paper, you will select a recent economics topic, issue, event, or economics report to analyze and relate to the basic principles of macroeconomics covered in the course. To write a quality paper, your topic must have sufficient current information (within one year) from at least five quality publications. Your selected topic must relate to macroeconomics. To choose a topic, review the Arnold textbook table of contents contained in the macroeconomics sections. Topic examples could include the following: • The Federal Reserve • Unemployment at a national level • Poverty • Interest rates and inflation • The United States' business cycles and steps the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government take to smooth out the country's economy • Compare and contrast the United States economy to that of countries in the world • Key economic concepts of the United States and other countries • Legalization of marijuana in the United States at the national level You may also select a macroeconomics topic that is not covered in the course, but that is of interest of you as long as you can explain and relate it to the basic principles learned in the course. Discuss your idea with your instructor. You will submit your topic for instructor approval in Module 2. This is a required, non-graded assignment. After your topic has been approved, the next step is to research current articles and publications (within one year) and write an outline. You will need to use at least six credible sources that provide objective, authoritative, and accurate descriptions of your selected macroeconomics topic. Two of your sources must be from academic journals. Your sources can include the following: • Academic journals • Financial and economic publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and industry-specific publications • Newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post • Research databases like ProQuest Use the Hunt Library Links to an external conduct your research. Do not use Investopedia or Wikipedia. You may write a formal outline or present your information in paragraph form using current APA formatting. Regardless of the outline format, you must provide the following: • Detail that aligns with your macroeconomics topic • List of your sources • Two of the sources must be from academic journals To learn more about developing an outline, review the Types of Outlines and Samples information (Purdue Online Writing Lab).Links to an external site. You will submit your outline in Module 3. Review the assignment rubric for detailed grading criteria. After you have written your outline, you will initiate work on the first draft of your paper. While the draft is not expected to include all of the points that you will have in your final paper, it must provide enough detail so that the general scope and depth of the final paper is clear. Your final paper must be at least 1,800 words and include six or more credible sources. Two of your sources must be from academic journals. Your first draft must include the following four sections: • An introduction that introduces the selected topic and discusses how the analysis was conducted. • A literature review that provides a detailed summary of the economic circumstances and facts that serve as the foundation of the economic analysis. • A narrative body that includes: o An economic analysis that uses the tools developed in the course along with your graphical depiction of the economics applied to your topic. Provide an explanation of the graphical analysis. Don't leave it to the reader to figure out your intention. The specific analysis will depend on your chosen topic. o Statistics that support your topic and narrative. • Conclusion and a brief summary. Use current APA formatting for your paper including these elements: • Title page • Running head • Page numbers • Headings • Source citations • Reference list An abstract and table of contents are not required. Remember to use the Eaglet and APA resources provided on the Academic Resources page. Note: Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material! Your draft paper will not be stored in the Turnitin repository. You will submit your first draft in Module 6. Review the assignment rubric for detailed grading criteria. Use the feedback received from your instructor and the Turnitin originality report from your draft to revise your paper. Your final paper must differ from your draft submission to demonstrate a higher level of learning and the ability to interpret and incorporate constructive feedback. You will submit your final paper in Module 9. Once you submit it for grading, you may not revise and resubmit it for a higher grade. Review the assignment rubric for detailed grading criteria.

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Inflation is a long-term increase in the cost of goods and services. High inflation suggests a pricey economy, but moderate inflation signals a growing economy. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, inflation has been a major issue. It was during the epidemic that the price of goods dropped significantly, and when the economy began to recover, inflation soared more faster than projected. In this article, I'm trying to figure out why there has been such a dramatic rise and fall in overall price level or simply inflation.